Those of us whose formative childhood memories include snake pits and being chased by giant stone spheres have been awaiting the release of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull with a mixture of anticipation and dread. Would the new movie make us feel like the excited 10-year-olds we were back when we first met Indy? Or would George Lucas exercise his awesome talent for sodomizing his own franchises and give us some earthly version of Jar Jar Binks?
Well, an operative for AICN has seen a sneak preview of the movie, and the news ain’t good. This guy obviously learned his grammar, syntax, and keyboard skills from Courtney Love, but the message is clear: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull pulses with all the energy and excitement of a Fred Thompson presidential bid. Worse yet, he claims that the special effects are cheesy and inept, and for the last ten years special effects have been the only thing George Lucas was any good at. Well, rats. Guess I’ll be re-seeing Iron Man and trying to ignore the Indy trailer at the beginning.
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